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Nephilim with Mira, Willem and Rob (Part Two)

Thu Apr 20 2017

Here's the second part of our EPIC multiparts episode dedicated to Nephilim, the 90s cult French contemporary occult tabletop RPG, with our guests/players Mira Manga, Willem and Robert.

Tweet to @rolistespod using the hashtag #EsterenUKGEconcert and tell me about your best RPG + music combination to participate to our little contest and win one of two tickets for the live performance on Saturday June 3rd at the UK Games Expo of the Shadows of Esteren’s soundtrack album Adeliane composed by François Rousselot.

Deadline to enter the contest: Sunday May 14th in the Evening.

Winners to be announced on May 15th.

More info about the concert on the UK Games Expo website.

Music: Esteren – DEARG Concert Teaser

The Rolistes Podcast is close to its SECOND birthday.  This celebration should take place as part of episode 23 (or maybe 24).

Since the show is about YOU, dear Rolistes, I’d like to involve you in that celebratory episode. Here’s a little survey which I hope many of you will take part to. It’s about the first two years of the show up to episode 20 (for episode 21 onwards it will have to wait 2019).

The result of that survey will be the core of that special episode (I can’t just make episode with me as the guest each year).

As an extra treat, I will maybe select one of the listeners completing the survey to be herself/himself the guest of an episode of The Rolistes Podcast.

But wait! Don’t rush…

…you might want first to check this playlist of all the FMA songs played on the show before answering the survey.

The Rolistes Podcast is a proud member of The RPG Academy Network.

Make sure to check their many excellent shows, and...

...if you are listening from the US or if you want to attend a convention there, please check the Acadecon 2017 Kickstarter starting on April 13th to support the organisation of the 5th Acadecon which will be held in Dayton, Ohio on the 2nd weekend in November ( 10th - 12th).

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Listen, rate or review on ITunes or Stitcher. You can also Download the episode.

Please consider contributing to my Patreon and/or joining us at the monthly "Le Drinks & Dices" in Central London at the end of each month.

Twitter: @rolistespod

The Rolistes Podcast by Kalum is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Theme song: "Solta o Frango" by Bonde Do Role

All songs available for free download at

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