Film Studies – District 9 (Humans Belong in the Monster Manual)
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Our latest RPG Academy “Film Studies” is headed by Fiona from “What Am I Rolling”.
We continue our tour around the world to land alongside a gigantic spaceship in South Africa for “District 9” a science-fictional parabole from 2009 directed by Neil Bomkamp.
As a reminder, for Film Studies, members of the Network sometimes joined by non-Network guests, will review a film and discuss ways it could inspire tabletop RPG adventures, characters or practices.
Our competent academic team is completed by Kalum from “The Rolistes Podcast” and Mira Manga from “Girls on Tour” and #PodcastZone (Don’t miss on November 30th at Dragonmeet in London).
Tabletop RPG settings systems and setting mentioned included:
- Savage Worlds
- Fate Core
- Mars Colony
- Urban Shadows
- Tales from the Loop
- GURPS Prime Directive
- Paranoia
- Dread
- Call of Cthulhu
- The Fall of Delta Green
- The Beast which, as discussed, was covered by an episode of What Am I Rolling?
If you’d like to purchase a copy of the movie we discuss AND support our show you an use The RPG Academy's affiliate link. You can even do so with tabletop RPG purchases via our DriveThru affiliate link.
Listen, rate or review on Podchaser, iTunes or Stitcher. You can also download the episode.
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Twitter: @rolistespod
The Rolistes Podcast by Kalum is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.